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“Cro-a-ti-a” is a small Mediterranean country located on the coast of the Adriatic sea. This specific location graced Croatia with warm and pleasant climate, gorgeous sea and kind people. If anything is to be said about Croatia it’s versatile. There are so many things to experience on such a small area… But never mind what we say; check what other said about us:

“This coast is the leftovers from heaven”

Then you have the luminescent quality of the light, and the green, green valleys, shot through with silver olives and splashed by rust-red soil. And the nights, boiling with stars. A Croatian folk tale says that this coast is the leftovers from heaven — and who would argue?

Sunday Times

We know how to write in style

Penkala (mechanical pencil) was invented by Slavoljub Penkala in 1906, and the patent was registered in 35 countries through the world. Company TOZ – Penkala (Zagreb pencil factory), still exist today in Zagreb.

“Easily one of my favourite views in Europe can be found by walking around the walls of Dubrovnik”

Easily one of my favourite views in Europe can be found by walking around the walls of Dubrovnik in southern Croatia. This picturesque city has become a very popular tourist destination in recent years and no doubt much of the credit can go to photographs of the jumbled red roofs of the Old Town with the sea in the background. It’s an easy matter to take a walk along the walls and snap several dozen photographs!

Some of Best European Views,

We are all special

Ivan Vučetić – criminologist and anthropologist, was born on the island of Hvar (later emigrated in Argentina). He is a pioneer of scientific dactiloscopy (identification by fingerprints) and his methods of identification were and are used worldwide.

“With its perfect waterfalls, beautifully lush jungle and stunning clear blue lagoons, it looks like a fantasy paradise island too good to be true.”

With its perfect waterfalls, beautifully lush jungle and stunning clear blue lagoons, it looks like a fantasy paradise island too good to be true. The idyllic Plitvice Lakes National Park in the Lika region of Croatia could stake a claim as one of the most spectacular holiday parks on the planet. The picturesque park has 16 stunning blue-green Plitvice Lakes, which are separated by natural dams of travertine limestone on the Plitvice plateau.

Daily Mail

Reasonably smart

Nikola Tesla inventor of alternating current was born in 1856 in the small village of Smiljan in Croatia. Thanks to his invention we nowadays use everyday devices such as televisions, computers, and refrigerators, that is, almost everything that surrounds us.

“Bluest sea on the planet”

There are islands, 1246 of them by one count, scattered like marbles atop what astronauts claim is the bluest sea on the planet, the Adriatic!

National Geografic, Destination of the Year: Exploring the New Croatia

Invented this one…

The traditional military costume with painted scarves knotted at the neck attracted the attention of the French court. This “Croatian elegant style”, which was completely unknown in Europe until then, became accepted at the French court around 1650 and became a fashionable clothing item among the bourgeoisie of the time as a symbol of culture and elegance.

“Extraordinary holiday destination”

Proclaimed as the “new spot” for years since its reappearance on the world tourism scene, it is clear that Croatia is an extraordinary holiday destination that overwhelms with its glorious 1778 km-long coast and a staggering number of 1185 islands.

10 Best Holiday Destinations for Summer 2011 (ranked 1st),